Get the most out of your pool this season with the use of our pool opening services performed by our trained professionals. Book a pool opening with our service department and let us do all the work to make your swimming pool ready for the summer!
- Cover pump down and removal
- Cover cleaned and folded
- Water bags drained and rolled where applicable
- Remove winter plugs and install eyeballs
- Re-assemble all pool equipment and install plugs and lights
- Install ladder(s) and grab rail(s)
- Prime pump and start pool circulating if water level permits
- Check system for leaks if water permits
- Shock and Algaecide is applied
- Pools should be circulated for 48 hours before performing water balancing and adding additional chemicals
- This service does NOT include pool vacuuming, leaf removal or scrubbing
Pricing and optional add-on services will be displayed within the online booking system.